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Using Semantic Web Technologies to Collaboratively Collect and Share User-Generated Content in Order to Enrich the Presentation of Bibliographic Records

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dc.date.accessioned 2023-03-01T10:23:42Z
dc.date.available 2023-03-01T10:23:42Z
dc.date.created 2012-07-04T15:34:25Z
dc.date.issued 2012
dc.identifier.issn 1940-5758
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3483
dc.description.abstract In this article we present a prototype of a semantic web-based framework for collecting and sharing user-generated content (reviews, ratings, tags, etc.) across different libraries in order to enrich the presentation of bibliographic records. The user-generated data is remodeled into RDF, utilizing established linked data ontologies. This is done in a semi-automatic manner utilizing the Jena and the D2RQ-toolkits. For the remodeling, a SPARQL-construct statement is tailored for each data source. In the data source used in our prototype, user-generated content is linked to the relevant books via their ISBN. By remodeling the data according to the FRBR model, and expanding the RDF graph with data returned by WorldCat’s FRBRization web service, we are able to greatly increase the number of entry points to each book. We make the social content available through a RESTful web service with ISBN as a parameter. The web service returns a graph of all user-generated data registered to any edition of the book in question in the RDF/XML format. Libraries using our framework would thus be able to present relevant social content in association with bibliographic records, even if they hold a different version of a book than the one that was originally accessed by users. Finally, we connect our RDF graph to the linked open data cloud through the use of Talis’ openlibrary.org SPARQL endpoint.
dc.language EN
dc.title Using Semantic Web Technologies to Collaboratively Collect and Share User-Generated Content in Order to Enrich the Presentation of Bibliographic Records
dc.type Academic article
cristin.ispublished true
cristin.qualitycode 1
dc.creator.author Holgersen, Ragnhild
dc.creator.author Preminger, Michael
dc.creator.author Massey, David
dc.identifier.cristin 933326
dc.identifier.jtitle Code4Lib Journal
dc.identifier.issue 17
dc.subject.nvi VDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200
dc.type.document Artikkel

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